Here's the scrumptious Berroco Medley I got yesterday.

And here's the Khatmandu Aran in this sage green color. I'm discovering how in love with sage green I am lately. Not that I didn't love it before, it's just becoming more and more apparent in color choices for lots of things, namely our bedroom and clothes/yarn for myself...

As well as the fabric for this DIY Tote Bag I whipped up today! It's from the Stitch 'N' Bitch book, and it was really simple. Simple is good. I'm so psyched, I want to get more fabric and whip up a couple more of these babies for friends. We (the kids and I) brought out the old sewing machine a few days ago, and as you can see, we've been having fun with it.

Here's Winter sewing on the machine all by herself for the first time. She was so excited and proud of herself. Do you remember the first time you got to do that? I clearly remember sitting with my mom and sewing, and how much fun it was to play with all the mysterious buttons and knobs.
Here she's working on pillows made from sleeves of a soft fleecy pajama shirt. We made a pillow from the body of the pj's, why not from the sleeves too?!
Shane and I started a shirt pillow for him...this one with the sleeves still attached. Now we just need more stuffing. Big sis claimed all that.
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