Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stash Enhancement

Ah, the call of the Annual Sale at the LYS, The Warm Ewe! I had to come into town to drop off dd for a Brownie function and run some errands and remembered today was the last day of the sale. Can't pass that up!

I had a whole 45 minutes to browse around before I had to pick her up again. Ah! It was heaven to just keep wandering around and around in there, taking my time looking, touching, listening to other knitters chatting in the background. (You can tell I don't often get to do this...or for that length of time ;) ) What cool, fun energy to just be in there with a bunch of people with the same love for knitting that I have.

Pictures tomorrow, but I got :
1 ball of berroco Medley in a blue colorway
4 balls of Berroco medley in a more pink/red colorway
11 balls of Kathmandu Aran in a beautiful sage color

What I'll do with the Medley I don't yet know. The Aran yarn I want to make a sweater for myself (finally). "Finally" because it's been a long time since I've wanted to knit a sweater, or something big like a sweater, and with big expanses of stockinette to do. I've wanted to stick to smaller projects, or projects made up of smaller pieces. Not small yarn on small needles, mind you, just smaller pieces with worsted weights and average size needles and interesting combos of stitches.

I want it to either be a very basic pullover, stockinette stitch with rolled edges, or maybe some cables. Something simple and comfortable.


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